Урок в 9 классе «Если хочешь быть врачом»
Учитель английского языка

12 марта 2020 года на базе МБОУ «Лицей № 21» проходил семинар учителей иностранных языков на тему «Интегративно-дифференцированный подход в обучении иностранных языков». В мероприятии приняли участие педагоги образовательных учреждений города Курска.

Обучение в лицее ведется по широкому спектру программ. Наши педагоги разработали систему методик, обучающих фильмов, лекций, тестовых заданий с целью их практического применения при подготовке обучающихся к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ.

Гондз Е.Ю. на уроке «Если хочешь стать врачом...» расширила кругозор обучающихся 9 класса естественнонаучного профиля о сфере здравоохранения в Австралии.

Урок в 9 классе по теме: «Если хочешь быть врачом»

Планируемые результаты урока:


совершенствовать лексические навыки (диалогическая – монологическая речь), развивать умение чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации, совершенствовать. грамматические навыки (страдательный залог)


Развивать умение работать с информацией, развивать память,

логику, произвольное внимание,  развивать умение связно излагать мысли, навыки устной речи и чтения


Положительное отношение к уроку,  развитие интереса к изучению ин.языка, культуры, развитие умения сотрудничества, развитие умения работать в паре (группе) , воспитание здоровых привычек и культуры здорового образа жизни, воспитание чувства гуманизма


I. Организационный момент

- Ноw are you?

- It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?

-Are you in  a good mood?


II.Речевая разминка

  • What was the theme of our previous lesson?
  • As I know all of you are going to connect your future profession with medicine. So what are you going to be?
  • Where do doctors work? ( A doctor works in a hospital.)

      -  Why do you want to become a doctor?

  • Do you think that every person can be a doctor? Why?
  • What qualities should a good doctor have? (Doctors need to be responsible and hardworking as they work many hours and deal with many problems)

Let’s think of those that start with the letters of the word “doctor”. (пишут на доске)

D –devoted

O – optimistic

C – clever

T – tolerant, tactful

O – observing

R – responsible, reliable

I hope that all of you have such characteristics and will be able to become  good specialists!

  • So what is the theme of our today’s lesson? ( the doctor’s profession. Medicine)
  • Yes, you are right . So the theme is “If you want to be a doctor…”.
  • We are going to practise the vocabulary, learn the names of medical specialities, have listening comprehension, revise Passive Voice and learn about healthcare system in Australia.


III. Специальности врачей

When you leave school, you will be studying at the medical university and you’ll have to choose a speciality. There is a great range of medical specialities. Let’s see how they are called in English.

Take blue sheets of paper and read the words after me

Now read and translate the words one by one/ Now I’ll give you cards with the names of specialities and your task is to describe it so your classmates could guess

Which speciality would you like to choose?

I’m sure you’ll make the right choice!


IV. Работа с видео

Now we’ll see what the doctor’s work is like in practice!

So watch the video and answer the questions:

  1. What symptoms did the man have?

     А – a sore throat and  running nose     B – a stomachache   C – a backache

  1. Did he have allergy to anything?

    A – Yes he was allergic to oranges  B – He didn’t know C – No, he didn’t, at least what he knew of

  1. What did he eat?

     A – some kind of seafood and pasta dish  B – pizza   C – potatoes with meat and vegetables

  1. What did his family celebrate the day before?

     A – Thanksgiving Day    B – the parents’ anniversary   C – the son’s birthday

  1. How many portions did the man eat?

A – only his portion   B – his portion and his wife’s one  C - many

  1. What disease did the doctor diagnose?

A – a bad cold   B -  pneumonia     C – food poisoning

  1. What recommendations did she give the man?

A -  to take antibiotics  B – not to eat anything for the next 24 hours  C – to go to a specialist

  • Didn’t you notice anything strange while watycning the video?
  • The doctor isn’t wearing a uniform


V. Работа с текстом “Health service” (проверка домашнего задания)

It’s time to check your home task. You had to read and translate the text  “Health service”. Let us see how well you understood it.

Take green  sheets of paper and do some tasks

- Say if the statement is true or false and correct the wrong statements

- Finish the sentences

- Let’s have a piece of grammar. We’ve been studying the passive voice and now I want you to change the sentences in bold from active into passive

- Are there sentences in passive in the text. Try to find them


VI. Работа с презентацией «Система здравоохранения в Австралии»

   Now you have an idea of what health service is made of. But of course it’s a bit different in different countries.   had an individual task to study the health care system in Australia and tell us about it.

You should listen attentively and try to find out in what ways the Australian healthcare system differs from the Russian one.

- выступление

Gross domestic product - валовой внутренний продукт

Delivery – роды

General Practitioner  (GP) – семейный арач

- обсуждение

- отличие от российской системы

Is the Australian health service system different from the Russian one?

- What differences can you name?

- People have to pay for the ambulance while in Russia it is free

- The prices in private clinics in Australia are higher than in Russian ones.

- Family doctors are not as common in Russia as in Australia

- Austrailian doctors earn much more money than Russian ones


VII. Составление диалогов

There’s no doubt that our today’s theme is very serious but there can be funny situations in doctors’ work too . So let’s relax and have a minute of fun. I’ll give you short anecdotes and you have to act them out. There are some things that  may be helpful. So choose what you need. You are given 2-3 minutes for preparation. 

- Hаздать диалоги

Учащиеся получают карточки с диалогами и готовят инсценировки (подготовить необходимые вещи)

Thank you very much, I really enjoyed  your acting


VIII. Поcловицы

So you see that doctors help people to be healthy. But we should try not to fall ill and lead healthy way of life.

There are many proverbs about health. Now you have to match th parts of the proverbs, read and translate them.

An apple a day …… keeps the doctor away.

Early to bed and early to rise …….. makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Healthy mind   ….. in a healthy body.

He who has health has hope,   …… and he who has hope has everything.

Prevention is better ……. than cure.

Health is not all, …… but all without health is nothing.


IX. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

Our lesson has come to the  end and I’d like you to estimate your work and may be your feelings

  • Take yellow sheets of paper and feel in the gaps
  • Who wants to share his or her feelings with the class?
  • Thank you. I appreciate your work at the lesson . you were active and tried to do your best. I’ll give you the following marks...


X. Your Homework is to write a letter to your pen friend from Austrailia about  the healthcare system in Russia.

- I’d like to finish our lesson with Hippocrates’s quatation

A doctor should keep his hands clean and his conscience spotless.  Hippocrates |hɪˈpɒkrətiːz|

Необходимо, чтобы врач сохранял руки чистыми, а совесть — незапятнанной.

I want these words to become your motto in your future

Thanks for your work.  Good-bye. You may be free.

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